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The Study of Influence of Non-linguistic Factors on the Effect of Online English Learning
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 1-5   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 44   Since May 29, 2018 Views: 1113   Since May 29, 2018
Yuhong Liu, Department of Basic Education, Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing, China.
In the process of online English learning, learning efficiency is influenced by various factors. In general, the factors that affect the efficiency of online English learning can be divided into linguistic and non-linguistic factors. Linguistic factors include language knowledge and skills, which should be mastered by students when they are learning English online. Non-linguistic factors such as learning motivation, self-efficacy, cultural background knowledge and online learning strategies play a crucial role in online English learning. This paper analyses the non-linguistic factors affecting students' online English learning and put forwards some measures to enhance online English learning.
Non-linguistic Factors, Online English Learning, Influence, Effect, Measures
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