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The Dawn of Graphic and Applied Arts in the Muslim East
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 1 (January)
Pages: 1-5   |   Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 33   Since Nov. 6, 2017 Views: 1260   Since Nov. 6, 2017
Jamila Hashimova, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Islamic culture, which has made great contributions to the development of world civilization, was formed within the Arab Caliphate in the Middle Ages. Islamic culture reflected the artistic unity of the cultures of many countries. The peoples of the Persian Empire, Hindu, Turks, Syriac, Greek and Jewish nations have united their own cultures in the name of a culture. All the subtleties of Turkish art have been moved to Islamic geography. One of the factors that created the potential of Islamic art was the translation of the previous scientific literature into Arabic. Translation Literature is one of the most important literary subjects of the 8th century Islamic world. After the Arab Caliphate was established, a vast territory from the Pyrenees to North Africa and from the Middle Asia to India was united within one state. The achievements of other civilizations began to synthesize under the influence of Islamic culture; scientific, cultural and moral trends were initiated on the basis of new principles. The Present Article is aimed to approach the samples of decorative applied art in the Muslim East from ethical perspective and re-emphasize their integration into world culture. Being one of the most ancient types of fine art, decorative applied art has had a significant part in the development of world culture and transfer of items of material culture from generation to generation. Along with meeting the practical needs of human beings, this art has also been targeted at satisfying aesthetic demands. In the article, historical research and comparative analysis constitute the main methodology of the study which re-emphasizes by comparative analysis from the perspective of the common interests of the East and West, both the present and historical significance of the works of art existing or discovered as a result of historical researches.
Islamic Art, Muslim East, Decorative Art, Arab Caliphate
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