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Persuasive Communication in Social Media Advertising: a Case Study of Polish and English
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 3 (July)
Pages: 39-47   |   Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 47   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2008   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Anna Kuzio, Department of Humanities, Univeristy of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora, Poland.
The communication of humanity has changed throughout the ages. Not only the language appears to become more and more compact due to the lack of time in ever changing societies, but also it serves different aims than it used to serve in a remote past. People tend to use modern technological devices which accompany them in their everyday routine as the tools enhancing their instant communication. There appears to be a declining tendency in once popular text messaging, that has given its way to modern means of distant communication by use of social media. These may be perceived as more convenient from the point of view of speaker (or in this case writer), because he can exchange information not only by phone, but also with the use of computer whomever he wants to. These appliances enable constant and rapid contact regardless the place one occupies. The research aimed at presentation of major persuasion techniques used in online mass market cosmetics advertisements, uploaded in the form of Page Post Ads on the social platform called Facebook. Five global skin-, hair-, and body-care brands have been analyzed i.e. Avon, Garnier, Max Factor, Maybelline and Olay by means of persuasive rhetorical devices, functioning on semantic, syntactic and pragmatic levels. An analysis has been inspired by theories by many linguists mentioned in the practical part, as well as additional resources. The study was conducted in a way, to determine whether among the same number of similar commercials in Polish and English, some analogies may be observed, and whether persuasive techniques seem to be international, thus universal. Additionally, the research aimed at the specification of possible similarities and differences between these two languages, categorization, exemplification, description of applied rhetorical figures, and drawing conclusions from analyzed material.
Deceptive Communication, Social Media, Advertising in CMC, Intercultural Communication
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